Photo Gravel on the rocks so there is evidence of water flow knee
Shindig! There is evidence of water on Mars Found
Really Extraordinary, NASA's Mars explorer, Curiosity, discovered traces of water flow on Mars it. Evidence that the water flow in the landing itself.
Curiosity landed on August 6, 2012 in a giant plateau near the equator of Mars. The robot the size of a small car is targeted on a mission two years researching in the area called Gale Crater.
Scientists suspect mound called Mount Sharp was the remains of sediment that once filled the crater. Analysis of a rock fragment between the northern slopes of the crater at the base of Mount Sharp indicate a rapid stream of water had occurred there.
Pictures taken Curiosity and reported Thursday showed terpasak rounded pebbles on the rocks, which rises like the way that nailed on the planet's surface. Pebbles in the rocks that are too large to be moved by wind, Curiosity scientist Rebecca Williams said in a teleconference in Tucson, Arizona.
"Consensus team of scientists, this is the pebbles in a stream of water brought strong," he said.
These rocks are believed to be the basis of the flow in the ankle-deep past. This analysis was based telephoto taken explorer who travels in the area named Glenelg where there are three kinds of rocks meet.
Scientists have not yet decided researching chemical rocks or targeting further Curiosity seek life forms or minerals. "The issue of life through simple observation of water on Mars," said lead researcher John Grotzinger that of the California Institute of Technology.
"Certainly flowing water is a microorganism can live," he said. However this type of rock can not be concluded could be living beings can live environment.
Scientists Discover Hell Gate
It may sound like a horror movie, but Italian scientists have found the 'Gates of Hell' complete with toxic fumes. (see also: set title Informatics engineering thesis)
Announcement Gate findings Pluto (plutonium in Latin) in an archaeological conference in Turkey last month, has just reported by Discovery News. Francesco D'Andria, professor of classical archeology at the University of Salento in Lecce, Italy, explore the World Heritage Site of Roman-Greek Hierapolis for years, led the research team.
D'Andria told Discovery News that he used to be a hint of ancient mythology find the legendary gate to hell in the underworld. "We found the plutonium to reconstruct the route to the hot springs. The springs of Pamukkale 'which produces the famous white terraces derived from this cave."
Writers such as Cicero and Greek geographer Strabo noted that the gate is located at the ancient site in Turkey, according to Discovery, but no one managed to find it until now.
"Pluto's Gate" has been documented by Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites included in the description of Hierapolis. "Stick to the temple in the southeast is Plutoneion, the source of the fame of the city. Strabo describes it as a hole in the hills, which is in front of it covered by a thick fog which can be fatal to anyone who enters."
Strabo (64 BC-24 BC) wrote, "This place is filled with smoke so thick fog until you can not see land. Animals are passed directly to death. I throw a sparrow and they immediately draw the last breath and fall."
Hell's Gate is still as dangerous until now. Said the professor, "We could see the deadly cave during the excavation. Some birds die immediately when trying to get closer to opening a hot, directly killed by the fumes of carbon dioxide."
According to Discovery News, the smoke is coming from the cave beneath the site, including columns with carved for Pluto and Kore, underground gods. It was also found ruins of temples, ponds and stairs are placed on top of the cave. D'Andria currently at work on the site digital them.
Interestingly, these openings are not the only gateway to the world's first underground. In the Karakum Desert, according to the Daily Mail, there is a big hole volcano that has been burning for 40 years. Visitors came to Derweze in Turkmenistan and look it up on the internet. The geologists who were drilled in the area of natural gas discovered cave. In the hope of eliminating the gas, they burn the cave. The fire was kept burning so that local people called him the "gates of hell".
10 Schools With World's Most Expensive Costs
What first didenger about 10 Schools With World's Most Expensive Cost? surely the answer is "wow" "wow" "unbelievable". How much cost to be incurred by the parents that their children receive the best education quality?
According to an agency survey conducted by the National Association of Independent Schools in the United States (US), the average cost of educating a child in an expensive private school in the US is around US $ 45,000 (USD 427 725 000) or US $ 56,074 (USD 532 983. 370) when including the cost of boarding / year.
Meanwhile, the Huffington Post reported that the annual cost for day school - regular school without boarding is approximately US $ 20,000 (USD 190.1 million).
According to an article from the Wall Street Journal, the annual cost at Riverdale Country School, a private school in New York City, the price can be more expensive than the cost of one year in Priceton or Harvard.
This price is deemed appropriate by the luxurious facilities, offers courses that rival some elite universities, the opportunity to learn with the children of the conglomerate and the nobility, as well as guidance consultation in collaboration with the best campuses.
Not only private schools in the United States alone who charge usurious. School fees per year at the Institute Le Rosey in Switzerland for example, could reach US $ 99,566 (USD 946 374 830), including the cost of boarding.
Private schools in Asia could also mengempeskan bag, Singapore United World College of SEA in the list of 10 private schools are very expensive. Schools that have students from kindergarten to grade 12, could charge US $ 48,403 for boarding students and US $ 24,884 (USD 236 522 420) for the regular school day school. Here is a list of 10 Schools With World's Most Expensive Costs:
1. Institute Le Rosey, Switzerland
The annual fee and boarding schools: US $ 124,165 (USD 1,180,188,325) Institut Le Rosey was founded in 1880 in Rolle, Switzerland.
This school has 400 students. Campus building that stands on an area of almost 70 acres offers many facilities include 10 tennis courts, equestrian area and skateboard park.
Students also learn the 4 languages. This school has an alumni of the kings and nobles.
2. Middlesex School, USA
The annual fee and boarding schools: US $ 62,784 (USD 596 761 920) annual fee for regular students: US $ 50,210 (USD 477 246 050) Schools located in Concord, Massachusetts, USA, was founded in 1901.
The school accepts 375 students from grade 9 to grade 12. With the above-mentioned costs, Middlesex offers 29 types of exercise that can be followed by the students. This school has 40 international students from 18 countries.
3. Lawrence Academy, USA
The annual fee and boarding schools: US $ 65,685 (USD 624 335 925) annual fee for regular students: US $ 50,544 (USD 480 420 720) Schools located in Groton, Massachusetts, USA was established in 1793.
Lawrence has 400 students in grades 9 through 12. With the cost of expensive, this campus offers a learning experience that is unusual among others boarded the train dogs in Minnesota and studied bats in the rain forests of Australia.
4. Collge Alpin International Beau Soleil, Switzerland
The annual fee and boarding schools: US $ 116,234 (USD 1,104,804,170) School Collège Alpin International Beau Soleil is located in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, was founded in 1910.
Campus that has a view of the French Alps also have places expeditions one of Madagascar.
The campus has 180 students from various nations. So diverse, national percentage of students in the school each number no more than 10%.
5. Eton College, UK
The annual fee and boarding schools: US $ 62,654 (USD 595 526 270) School, established in 1440 is located in Windsor, England. Eton College is a special school guy who has 1,300 students aged from 13 to 18 years.
The students at this school are taught using two modern languages, namely English and Latin as the main language. This school has many alumni of famous figures, including the royal family, Olympic athletes and 19 ministers England. Once graduated from this school, the students have a great opportunity to be accepted in college they want.
6. The Hotchkiss School, USA
The annual fee and boarding schools: US $ 56,599 (USD 537 973 495) annual fee for regular students: US $ 48,122 (USD 457 399 610) School, established in 1891 is located in Lakeville, Connecticut, United States.
Stands on an area of about 827 acres, The Hotchkiss School has 600 students in grades 9 through 12. With the high cost, this school has many sports facilities of which 15 tennis courts, two hockey arenas, and golf courses. In addition to coming from the United States, students in this school also came from 28 other countries. There are 7 levels of language instruction used in the process of learning at this school are of Chinese, French, Latin, Greek, Spanish, and Russian.
7. The United World College Of South East Asia, Singapore
The annual school fees and hostel: US $ 60,378 (USD 573 892 890) annual fee for regular students: US $ 34,040 (USD 323 550 200) School, established in 1971 is located in Dover Singapore.
With 3,000 students from kindergarten to grade 12, this school menawarkam a complete range of facilities and luxurious. Some of them are 20 badminton courts, six volleyball courts and two Olympic-size swimming pools. The students come from at least 39 countries. This school building is famous for its air conditioning system that uses the world's largest solar power is environmentally friendly.
8. The Lawrenceville School, USA
The annual school fees and hostel: US $ 63,649 (USD 604 983 745) annual fee for regular students: US $ 52,648 (USD 500 419 240) The Lawrenceville School was founded in 1810, is located in Lawrenceville, New Jersey.
This school has 800 students in grades 9 through 12. The school building has an area of 700 acres with 34 major buildings. This school has a well-known speakers from singer Jimmy Buffet to the Cuban leader, Fidel Castro. The students also have a tremendous opportunity to enter the Ivy League College. While 43 students from the three forces in school graduation is accepted at Princeton.
9. Appleby College, Canada
The annual school fees and hostel: US $ 67,277 (USD 639 467 885) annual fee for regular students for level 11-12: US $ 44,892 (USD 426 698 460) School, established in 1911 is located in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. This school has 750 students in grades 7 to 12 and offers educational programs outside the classroom that is not as common as the journey by canoe or live in the desert. Appleby College also has 22 athletic teams and the US team competing in the arena
10. Riverdale Country School, USA
The annual cost for high school and above: US $ 52,413 (USD 498 185 565) School which was founded in 1907 is located in Bronx, New York. This school has an area of up to 27 acres making it the largest school in New York. There are 1,000 students who sat at the pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.
Riverdale Country School produce such prominent alumni of John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy; schools also engage students in a variety of well-known conferences such as Design Thinking Workshop is a practical way of thinking and creative in solving a problem or work and the Aspen Ideas Fest.
Scientific evidence Alcohol Can Damage the Brain
As you can see, the brain alcohol on the right is the brain of alcoholics who shrink massively because of the loss of brain cells. Brain cells turned out to dissolve.
Of the 2007 study that appeared in the European Journal of Neuroscience:
These findings indicate that exposure to ethanol party pattern during adolescence induces brain damage by the inflammatory process and cause long-term consequences neurobehavioural [damage to the mental health / behavioral]
According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly 1 in 10 Americans meet standard diagnostic criteria for alcohol use disorders.
The study comes from Carol Ann Paul [from Wellesley College] and colleagues. They looked at MRI brain scans of 1839 people aged 34-88, and their findings [presented at the American Academy of Neurology 59th Annual Meeting in Boston in May 2007] showed that the more a person a lot of chronic alcohol intake, the more your brain is reduced in volume.
The results held true even for moderate drinkers [not too much to drink / occasionally drink alcohol].
There is a strong correlation constant between alcohol consumption and total brain volume. It seems that there is no beneficial effect even small amounts of alcohol also affect the brain volume.
Another study, released May 10, 2007 revealed alcohol can also cause lung damage periodically, making the heart beat faster rhythm of the heart and is a very strong risk factor for stroke.
The World's Most Great Living Creatures
Many people think that the biggest living things on Earth is the blue whale. It turns out that opinion wrong. Based on the search serupedia from various sources, the largest creature is not falling on the blue whale. Here's a summary. (see also: 5 drinks with strange taste and seventh oldest person in the world)
Weighs 200 tons and a length of 33 m, compared with this organism, the blue whale looks like a tea bottle compared keratnya. The world's largest living creature is an Armillaria ostoyae in the Malheur National Forest in Oregon, USA
Want to know what animal it? Why not animals, but the fungus. Armillaria ostoyae or honey fungus that lives in the Malheur National Forest in eastern Oregon, USA. The fungus lives about 3 feet below the ground surface and possess an area of about 890 hectares / 8.9 km2 and at least 2,400 years old, even more.
Believe it or not, organisms that live underground it was not gang mushrooms, but only one fungus alone. If you want to be a crispy snack fungus, Armillaria ostoyae can be enough to feed the entire population of the island of Java for a week.
Giant fungus is described along 5.6 kilometers and has spread to three times that number into the ground. This fungus has blanketed the area with 1665 times as large as a football field.
The discovery comes after Catherine Parks, a scientist at the Pacific Northwest Research Station in La Grande, Oregon who heard the death of a large tree that continues from root to root in the forest east Prairie city.
By using aerial photographs, Parks see that area filled with trees dying. He then identifies the type of fungus in DNA testing. He compared the elements of 12 fungi and he saw that 61 samples come from the same organism.
It means there is a fungus that grows so large from what ever imaginable. The only evidence on the surface of this fungus is the appearance of roundness golden autumn with rain.
"They can be eaten but not the kind of food is best," said Tina Dreisbach, a biotani and mycologist at the US Forest Service in Corvallis, Oregon. If you dig into the roots of the trees that have died, it would seem like painting a white rubber.
This is a layer of mycelium which describe fluids and carbohydrates from trees that feed the fungus.
25 Hottest Apps on Android OS
Android Operating System based smartphone slowly began to eat away at the mobile market in Indonesia, not only leading vendors who poured a typical smart phone this green robot, local vendors were competing to bring with various distinctive features.
Well for those of you who just have a smartphone that I want to share tips on what applications should be owned by the owners of Android smartphones.
Here's 25 Hottest Apps on Android OS:
1. Documents To Go
This application is of course a must-have to support your work. Using this application, you can open Microsoft Word files, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF. Even with the paid version you can edit the desired file. Documents To Go supports doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx and PDF.
Developer: DataViz, Inc.
File Size: Varies depending on the device
Price: $ 14.99 (Full Version Key)
2. SPB Shell 3D
SPB Shell 3D is an application launcher that will modify the user interface on your phone. By using this application, you will experience a more attractive phone andaan thanks to 3D caraousel animatif effect on the menu that appears.
Developer: SPB Software
3. Adobe Flash Player 11
Indeed, not all Android devices support this application, but if you have a device that supports these applications should install. Adobe Flash Player to experience the virtual world a more complete by allowing interactive content-based access to your favorite flash.
Developer: Adobe Systems
File Size: Varies depending on the device
Price: Free
4. Best Apps Market
Bored with the Android Market, you can install the Best Apps Market as an alternative to separately explore the application to be added to the Android devices owned. Best Apps Market or the abbreviated BAM focuses on the application and the best games. Not only as an alternative app market, BAM also features a variety of tools to allow you to adjust the application owned.
File Size: 911 KB
Price: Free
5. WhatsApp Messenger
WhatsApp Messenger is a messenger application available for Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Windows Phone and Nokia. WhatsApp uses the 3G or WiFi to send a message. Not only used for chatting WhatsApp also allows you to send pictures, audio notes, and video messages. Many of you who crowned Whatsapp as "BBM Killer"
Developer: WhatsApp Inc.
File Size: 5 MB
Price: Free
6. Opera Mini web browser
Who does not know Opera Mini? Browsers that one is worthy of being intent on adding your choice of alternative browsers in addition to the default Android browser is already equipped with many features. Compression technologies that have helped you save the cost for a data service plan berbasisi andaan volume.
Developer: Opera Software ASA
File Size: 845 KB
Price: Free
7. Facebook for Android
You must have been very understanding of the application of these functions are even easier for you to exist in the most popular social networking media in the world. Moreover, Indonesia is the second largest Facebook users in the world with 43.06 million accounts (Socialbakers, Feb. 2012). Developer: Facebook
File Size: Varies depending on the device
Price: Free
8. TweetCaster for Twitter
In addition to Facebook, the social networking media that is not less popular is Twitter. For this one, third-party applications is often used as an option because it brings more features than Twitter itself artificial. TweetCaster allows you to make the game as well as a Facebook status update, add effects to photos you want to upload and some other interesting features.
Developer: OneLouder Apps
File Size: 2.9 MB
Price: Free
9. Battery Saver
Not only Android, most smartphone will usually encounter problems battery endurance. For the battery saver application as artificial Antutu Battery Saver feasible to add to your Android device.
Developer: Antutu
File Size: 741 kB
Price: Free
10. Poweramp Music Player
This application can be selected as an alternate audio player application on your Android device. Poweramp Music Player supports many audio formats such as mp3, mp4 / m4a, ALAC, ogg, wma, flac, wav, ape, wv, tta, mpc and AIFF. In addition, this application also has many additional features that will make your music playing experience more enjoyable.
Developer: Max MP (MSR Ltd.)
File Size: 22kb
Price: $ 5.19 (full version)
11. MyBackup Pro
In order not to lose important data and applications you should make a backup on your Android device. MyBackup Pro supports almost all Android devices and can backup almost all important data such as text, photos, contacts, call logs, browser bookmarks, SMS, MMS, calendar, system settings (system settings), homescreens (including shortcut positions), alarms, music playlists, and much more.
Developer: Rerware, LLC
File Size: 1.6MB
Price: $ 4.99
12. Anti-Virus Pro
Android growing number of course invite the hands of ignorant abuse, for example by creating a virus free. To protect your Android device and data security you should install an antivirus application. Anti Virus Pro may be an option because it was made by an experienced developer to create antivirus on the PC platform.
Developer: AVG Mobilation
File Size: 2.1MB
Price: $ 1.99
13. Skype - free video calling
This application lets you make video calls between Skype and call a phone number or cell phone with a decidedly cheaper rates. In addition to video calls, you can also make regular phone calls or just your Skype text chat with others even though they are using Android, iPhone, Mac or PC.
Developer: Skype
File Size: 12MB
Price: Free
14. App 2 SD (move app to SD)
If your Android device is not equipped with a spacious internal memory, install this application would be very helpful. As the name implies, this application serves to move the storage location of the application of the additional memory to the internal memory (external).
Developer: Sam Lu
File Size: 634kB
Price: Free
15. VLC Direct Pro
This application allows you to play videos stored on your computer on Android device and vice versa without having to transfer files between the two devices. By installing this application, you can also control the video player VLC on the PC using an Android device to run the function to search for files, play videos, add videos into playlists, pause, stop, volume control, run the software in fullscreen mode and more.
Developer: QDevPlus
File Size: 881kB
Price: $ 3.57
16. MX Video Player Pro
Although equipped with the default video player, but adding a video player application on Android devices is strongly recommended in order to play more video formats. This application also includes other features such as multi-core decoding, CPU optimization, pinch zoom, and subtitle.
Developer: MX Technologies
File Size: 4.6MB
Price: $ 5.36
17. Camera ZOOM FX
Android devices are usually equipped with a premium feature-rich cameras. But for those of you that Android devices are not filled with the desired features, can add third-party camera apps like Camera Zoom FX. This application features include 10 preset options (Diana, Retro, Holga 35mm, Toy Camera ...), 20 Color FX (vintage, lomo, cinematic, funky, pencil ...), 13 Frame (thin, rounded, lens, polaroid, filmreel .. .), 6 Vignette Surrounds (heavy, invert, spotlight ...), 12 Distort FX (fisheye (like FxCamera), mosaic, Twirl ...), 9 Mirror FX, 3 Tilt-shift FX and many other features.
Developer: androidslide
File Size: 1.1MB
Price: $ 2.83
18. SoundHound
SaoundHound application will allow you to find information about the song being played diradio. Your Android device close enough to the audio source for 4 seconds then the screen will display the title of the song and the singer. The application even recognize the song sung only.
Developer: SoundHound Inc.
File Size: Varies depending on the device
Price: $ 4.99
19. Yahoo! Messenger
Messenger client that this is indeed very popular, so it's mandatory you install this application on your Android device. This application also has features diantanya mainstay free voice and video chat, integration with Facebook chat feature, International SMS, and share photos and videos via IM.
Developer: Yahoo! Inc.
File Size: 2.5MB
Price: Free
20. screen
Sounds like Indonesian, but unfortunately this application is not made in the nation. With Augmented Reality (AR), screen displays digital information called "layers" to display your Android device. Just by pointing the camera at a certain object, information about the object can be obtained thanks to the display "layer" that appears.
Developer: Screen
File Size: 3.6Mb
Price: Free
21. Google Goggles
This application allows you and other Android users to search the internet using images taken with the camera. Very useful to find out about products, famous landmarks, storefronts, artwork, and other popular image that you can find online. Google Goggles can also do the translation between English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian just by photographing writing in one foreign language.
Developer: Google Inc.
File Size: 2.2MB
Price: Free
22. YouTube
Explore, upload (upload) and watch the video on youtube is easier to install this application on your Android device. In the latest version, this application is presented by the UI and the new video player controls. now you can also read comments while watching the video without having to pause.
Developer: Google Inc.
File Size: 2.1MB
Price: Free
23. ASTRO File Manager
Not all Android devices are equipped with a feature or application file manager by default. you need to organize your pictures or photos, music, videos and other files. Astro File Manager has been downloaded over 20 million times by Android users around the world.
Developer: Metago
File Size: Varies depending on the device
Price: Free
24. Vlingo Virtual Assistant
Vlingo is a virtual assistant apps like Siri on the iPhone 4S. With Vlingo, you can send SMS and email, call, do a search on the internet, looking for restaurants and shops, looking for direction on the map, update Facebook status, check in Foursquare, and many other things only through voice commands.
Developer: Vlingo
File Size: 4.2MB
Price: Free
25. Quadrant Standard Edition
Application benchmarks can be used to measure the ability of the device BGers for later comparison with other devices. Quadrant is a benchmark applications that focus on the CPU, I / O and 3D graphics. In the Standard version users need an internet connection to calculate the test results. The application does not work on devices with no GPU (Spica, Tattoo). Nexus S is not yet supported.
Developer: Aurora Softworks
File Size: 916kB
Price: Free
That's 25 Hottest Apps on Android OS please download sob.