1. Of all the words in the English language, the word 'set' has the most definitions.
2. On average each person laughs 10 times a day.
3. Eyes Camel bird bigger than his brain.
4. "French Kiss" if in the French name "English Kiss".
5. "Almost" is the longest word in the English language are prepared following the alphabetical order.
6. "Rhythm" is the longest word in the English language that tidakmengandung vowels.
7. Horatio Nelson, one of Admiral (Navy General) legendary in England all his life never find a cure carauntuk sea-sickness.
8. In 1386, a pig was hanged in public in Peranciskarena kill a small child.
9. The cockroach can live several weeks with its head.
10. Queue is the only word in the English language that can be read
in the same way when the last four letters are removed.
11. The beetle rich taste apples, wasps rich pine nuts (pulses), if the rich pork fried worms.
12. On every continent There is a city called "Rome".
13. The heart beats over 100,000 times per day.
14. Framework Jeremy Bentham always present at every meeting pentingdi University of London.
15. Human thigh bones are stronger than cement wall ..
16. We can not kill yourself by holding your breath.
17. Right-handed people live on average 9 years longer than yangkidal.
18. A quarter of the bones in the body are in your feet.
19. Fingernails grow 4 times faster than toenails.
20. Dust in our homes most forms of dead skin cells.
21. Bone ribs move about 5 million times a year, as the breath.
22. The elephant is the only mammal that can not jump.
23. It is estimated that the 2080 epidemic the world's population will reach 15 billion people.
24. The girl's eyes blink 2 times more than men.
25. Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian and cuman had one testicle.
26. Honey is the only food that does not spoil.
27. Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a "Fridaythe 13th."
28. Coca-Cola without dye, the original green.
29. On average a hedgehog's heart beats 300 times per minute.
30. More people are killed each year due to shock lebahdaripada snakebite.
31. Sycamore contents pencil (pencil timber) will draw a line 35mil or write 50,000 words.
32. Allergies to food / beverage orangadalah the most common allergic to cow's milk.
33. Fingerprint everyone's tongue there is none.
34. Blood transfusion first performed in 1667, when Jean-Baptistementra nsfusikan daah much as 2 pints (about 1 liter) of sheep keorang ..
35. 6 UN official languages: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian andSpanish.
36. Earth or "Earth" is the only planet in the solar system yangdiberi name instead of the name of god.
37. burp, or sneeze in a church in Nebraska, USA, is melanggarhukum.
38. We are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood lived 206.
39. Some worms will eat themselves if hunger.
40. Dolphins Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
41. No way man can sneeze with his eyes open.
42. Pieces of chewing gum in the world's oldest 9,000 years old.
43. Record the longest flight of a chicken is 13 seconds.
44. Queen Elizabeth I declared that he was an exemplary kebersihan.Dia bath 1 time every 3 months. Either require or not.
45. Slug has 4 noses.
46. Owls are the only birds who can see the color blue.
47. Charles Osborne had the hiccups for 69 years!
48. The giraffe can clean its ears with its tongue which panjangnya21 inches.
49. Camel has three eyelids to protect his eyes from the desert sand.
50. The position of the donkey enabled it to see all four feet setiapsaat.
51. BCE English language is BC (Before Christ). AD is A.D (Anno Domini)
52. Sharks tooth loss more than 6000 pieces every year, and new teeth grow within 24 hours
53. Julius Caesar was killed with 23 stab wounds
54. Name of the Nissan car comes from the Japanese Ni: 2 and San: 3. Nissan: 23
55. Giraffes and rats can survive longer without water than a camel
56. The stomach produces mucus layer every two weeks so that the stomach does not digest itself organs.
57. 98% of rapes and murders committed by close relatives or friends of the victim.
58. Ants can lift 50 times its body
59. Declaration of Independence was written on paper marijuana
60. The point above the letter i is called 'title'
61. A grain raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down in the glass
62. Benjamin Franklin youngest child of parents youngest offspring to 5 in the youngest family.
63. Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of 13. Paraskevidekatriaph obia is ketekukan on Friday the 13th (can occur between 1-3 times a year). in Italy, 17 is an unlucky number. in Japan unlucky number is 4
64. giraffe tongue length is about 50 cm
65. The mouth produces 1 liter of saliva every day
66. We breathe approximately 23,000 times every day
67. The word ZIP (postal codes) is an extension of the 'Zoning Improvement Plan'.
68. Coca-Cola contained Coca (which is the active substance in cocaine) from 1885 until 1903.
69. On average we speak 5000 words per day (although 80% of them we talk to yourself)
70. If the quota of water in our body decreases 1%, we immediately feel thirsty
71. 4 king symbols on playing cards symbolize 4 etrkenal king at the time of each: Spades = David / David; Curly = Alexander the Great / Alexander the Great; Hearts = Charlemagne / King of France; Diamonds = Julius Caesar
72. Lifetime water we drink about 75,000 liters
73. Every person, including identical twins, prints and textures are not the same tongue.
74. The red dot on the 7-Up logo comes from its inventor who red-eyed. He was an albino.
75. Men lose 40 hairs per day. women 70 strands.
76. The 'save' in Microsoft Office programs shows a floppy disk with the shutter reverse
77. Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin both married their first cousins (Elsa Löwenthal and Emma Wedgewood).
78. Camels have three eyelids.
79. A strand of hair on the head we have a growing period of 2 to 6 years before it was replaced by new hair
80. Someone will still conscious for 8 seconds after decapitation
81. The muscle that works the fastest dikelopak muscle in your body is the eye that makes us blink. we could blink 5 times in a second
82. Chocolate can kill dogs, because it directly affects the heart and nervous arrangement
83. Without mixed saliva in the mouth, we are not going to feel the taste of food
84. Fingernails grow 4kali faster than toenails
85. 13% of people in the world are left-handed
86. Most lipstick contains fish scales
87. Newborns severe head 1/4 of its body weight
88. We actually see the brain. eyes just a camera that sends data to the brain. 1/4 part of the brain is used to regulate the work of the eye
89. Scorpions can be killed by water with vinegar, they will be angry and sting itself
90. In 1830s the tomato sauce is usually sold as a drug.
91. Three wise monkeys have names: Mizaru (See no evil), Mikazaru (Hear no evil), and Mazaru (Speak no evil).
92. India has the right to Law cow
93. If you sneeze too hard can crack ribs. If the try to hold a sneeze, can rupture an artery in the head and neck then die. if forced his eyes open while sneezing, eye ball can jump out.
94. Name of the Philippines comes from the name of King Phillip
95. Saudi Arabia are from the name of King Saud
96. Children have 20 teeth early. Adults have 32
97. Because of the scarcity of metal, Oscars given out during World War II, made of wood
98. Each cycle of 11 years, the sun's magnetic poles switch places. This cycle of eating "Solarmax".
99. There are 318,979,564, 000 possible combinations of the first opening in chess.
100. There are more than 300 bacteria forming tartar
101. The Tigers are the largest members of the cat family
102. Number "172" can be found on the US dollar banknotes 5, the image bushes under the Lincoln Memorial.
103. Coconut trees killed 150 people each year. More than sharks
104. In the movie poster 'Pretty Woman' Julia Robets too short to be aligned with Richard Gere. Then used as a model of Shelley Michelle Julia body.
105. The polar regions lose the sun for 186 days a year
106. International Telephone code for Antarctica is 672.
107. The first bomb dropped on Berlin allies in World War II. Killing the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.
108. On average rain falls at 7 miles per hour
109. It took 10 years for Leonardo Da Vinci's painting Mona Lisa.Lukisan was not marked and in the given date. Leonardo and Mona possessed exactly the same bone structure and according to X-rays, there are three versions of the painting under the painting.
110. The name of the twin Gemini are Castor and Pullox
111. Movement of Bruce Lee was so fast that they have to slow down filam so we can see all of his movements.
112. One pound of weight we contains 7000 calories
113. Blood equally thick with sea water
114. The sea water in the Atlantic saltier than the Pacific ocean
115. Mask Michael Myers character in a horror movie 'Helloween' actually mask character Captain Kirk (Star Trek), painted white, due to lack of funds
116. Surname butterfly (butterfly) was flutterby.
117. Babies born every 7 seconds
118. One of the 14 original American women blonde. Men only one of 17
119. The Olympic was the sister ship of the Titanic, and serve to survive for 25 years.
120. When the Titanic sank, 2228 people in it. Only 706 survivors
121. In America, someone is diagnosed with AIDS every 10 minutes. In Africa, someone dies of AIDS TIPA 10 minutes
122. Until the age of 6 months, the baby can swallow and breathe simultaneously. Adults can not
123. The reason why most of the needle pointing diiklan clock at 10:10, because the clock like smiling
124. Each year the month of 3.82 cm away from the earth
125. When we survive and no groceries, leather belts and shoes Keds are the best foods to eat because it contains enough nutrients to live temporarily.
126. In a single drop of water contains 50 million bacteria
127. With the increase pelan2 feet and lie quietly with your back straight, we will not sink in quicksand.
128. One of the 10 people living on an island
129. Eating celery throw more calories than the calories contained in the celery itself
130. The lobster can live for 100 years
131. Chewing gum is not sold in Disney Land
132. Mangunyah gum while peeling onions prevents us cry
133. The jaws cat can not move left and right
134. Name the Arctic (north pole) means bear in Greek (Arktos), and indeed there were only polar bears in the North Pole
135. If the suspect standing in the bottom of the well, we can see the stars even in the daytime
136. The sound that we hear not the voice of the shells of the sea, but the sound of blood flow in our heads.
137. People who suffer from fear lbh much open space (Kenophobia) than fears in enclosed spaces (claustrophobia).
138. stirring technique best not in a circular motion, but with the movement of the letter W
139. Scenes band continued to play music when the Titanic sank is a true story
140. The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from libraries
141. 35% of people who join dating via the Internet, is married
142. The first green CocaCola
143. Physically, pigs can not look to the sky
144. All polar bears are left-handed
145. Bats always turn left when flying out of the cave
146. Jim Henson first use of the word "Muppet". The combination of "marionette" and "puppet."
147. The elephant is the only animal that can not jump
148. The Michelin man (figure dressed in white hat diiklan and Michelin) named Mr. Bib. original name Bibendum in the first advertisement in 1896.
149. We can not lick our own elbow
150. The word "lethologica" describe a time when we can not remember what we want.
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