Really There Beings Living in Atmospheric We?
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Some sightings atmospheric beast is classified as a UFO sighting that no animal biasa.kadang is expressed as an alien.
one sighting of this creature is most famous as the Crawfordsville monster, monsters in the area of Indiana in 1891.sampai this time there are only two sightings of this creature, and both in the 19th century. This case was first published by the journal indianapolis. The first sighting occurred at about 2 am on September 4, 1891 "horrible ghost" appears in the sky, when the two men who were working on the car to see it. they estimate the creature was 100 feet in the air, 20 feet in length and a width of 8 kaki.dan look alive! she pushed herself with several pairs of fins and around the house around. However, the creature disappears after going to the east. however, not only those who saw the terrible creature, a methodical Rev.GW Switzer and his wife also saw the same creature. The creature turns back on at night, and this time with many witnesses. said the creature was like he was floundering in pain at a height of 300 kaki.juga strange noises. whether the creature was really atmospheric beast? or other strange creatures? besides there are also events that calculated pebuatan the creature.
Other events were considered to act atmospheric beast or so-called atmospheric jellyfish ... is during the summer in 1939 when one of the American air force plane carrying 12 passengers and a crew of military headquarters in san diego, california. the new aircraft will fly about an hour before sending an emergency call. after sending an emergency call to headquarters, the aircraft returned to base in san diego. when one soldier opened inside the plane, she was shocked to see 12 other passengers died also pilotnya..pilot, is someone who is still alive but he also died after a few minutes. Army investigators examine their past, discovered that there were burn marks on their skin. also found a used rifle at the exit, they concluded the passengers were shot invisible beings who are very fast.
by American researcher Charles fort, which makes the book The book of the damned. He says there is a jelly-like creatures that live in the earth's atmosphere that have stings and tentacles.
atmospheric creature is said to be lowering its density and becomes small
also could grow like a cloud. their habitat seems the sky, some say if atmospheric beast die, they will fall in the form of something chewy we used to know as star jelly. they are very light. if based Crawfordsville monster, this creature has glowing red eyes, his body like an eel with some fins on the edge ubuhnya.
there is also a state "if they increase the weight of their kind, they will be seen". some people claim this being kidnapped and mutilated animals. and it looks like they have a relationship with space jelly.
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